quinta-feira, 23 de abril de 2009

10 mitos em assessoria de imprensa

Ross K. Goldberg, fundador e presidente da Kevin/Ross Public Relations publica esta semana no site PR News Online, um interessante texto onde enumera alguns dos mitos mais comuns no desenvolvimento de um estratégia de assessoria. Como é necessário fazer uma inscrição prévia, login, etc., para se ter acesso à respectiva página, aqui fica para reflexão uma versão mais resumida do respectivo documento (somos assim, gostamos de poupar trabalho aos nossos ilustres visitantes):

1. O jornalista é meu amigo. “A reporter has a job to do - to report. If the reporter was favorable in the past, that doesn’t make him or her a friend or guarantee a positive story. Their jobs come first … just as yours should”
2. Os media querem é atacar-me. “Occasionally yes, but usually no. What most reporters and editors want is simply a good story. If you bring a confrontational or negative attitude to the interview, it will have a harmful impact on the story. Better to be upbeat, positive and courteous.”
3. Posso falar off the record. “Off the record” - just like the words “no comment” - should be stricken from your vocabulary.”
4. O melhor é não dizer nada. “Hiding information jeopardizes a professional relationship and can destroy trust not only with the media but with your customers and employees. Today’s world demands and expects transparency.”
5. Tenho de arranjar outra e melhor resposta. “A reporter might come back to a sensitive topic several times; you should not feel the need to come up with a “better” answer. If you’ve made your point in a concise and understandable way, stick to your original response and then stop talking! The more you talk the better the chances that you will say something you didn’t want to say in the first place.”
6. Não posso ter um papel com algumas notas à minha frente. “Of course you can. The reporter will. Besides, having notes with facts, examples, anecdotes or supporting background materials will help make your comments more robust and authoritative. That will lead to a better story that benefits everyone.”
7. A linguagem corporal tem relevância se a entrevista for na televisão. “Print and online reporters quickly pick up on nervousness or any signs that indicate you may be holding back or equivocating. Look the reporter in the eye, smile and keep your energy level high. Don’t underestimate the power of facial gestures, a confident nod of the head and other non-verbal kinds of communications.”
8. Tenho de responder a todas as questões. “Only you retain the ultimate right to what you do and don’t say. Remember the reporter is free to ask, and you are free not to answer. If you don’t like a question, redirect it so you make sure to get your points across. ”
9. Se um jornalista apresentar dados é porque está correcto. “If you don’t think it’s correct, don’t accept it. Reporters can’t possibly know all the facts and more often than not you are the expert. It is OK to challenge false or unsupported information, but as Ben Franklin said, “Don’t get into an argument with someone who buys ink by the barrel.”
10. Assim que o bloco de apontamentos é fechado a entrevita acaba. “It’s never over until the. It’s never over until the reporter is out of the building … out of hearing range … and out of sight.”

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